Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have done a very poor job updating on here! I keep a daily journal, so I am going to copy and paste some of my entries on here with their original dates. I wish I could just scan it in, but that would take too long! Sorry if they are at all confusing:


Man, I'm TIRED! First day of class... test tomorrow. Just exhausted. Class today was boring. Required INFO 364 is yuck. No room for anything creative, just number crunching. I'm officially getting all of my required classes DONE next semester because I am sick of requirements. UGH. The good thing is I've got 12-hour semesters from here on out. WHOOP! I'm taking an advertising competition class, marketing research, tumbling, and ENDS 101 as well. It'll be an adventure as always!

I'm scared about the advertising class because it will definitely be a challenge. Real worldish, and that makes me nervous. I am overloaded in a good way. WHEW. I got to paint some fun things over Christmas break! My favorite is "book paintings". Maybe I can put a picture of one in here later. Basically you paint over a book, but highlight certain words that you want to stand out. I painted one for a friend who is in love with all things red, white, black, and Audrey Hepburnish. The pages were from an old copy of Gone With the Wind that I found at Half Price Books.

Anyway, I'm out!

My book painting for a friend:

It reads: "She was pretty, bright, and beautiful! She was a sister or a friend, a lifelong friend."