Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Original 2/9/10 - Intelligences


Today in class we looked at a lot of optical illusions. Those always amaze me!! It's interesting that eyes fill in the missing spaces. How tricky!

We also talked about Gardner's Seven Intelligences. I thought this was fascinating because people normally think of intelligence as something that can only be measured by an SAT or test scores. While I have friends that aren't the best at math or science, they can decorate rooms like nobody's business. The seven categories are:
  1. Word Smart
  2. Math Smart
  3. Picture Smart
  4. Music Smart
  5. Body Smart
  6. People Smart
  7. Self Smart
I know I'm word, picture, and people smart. I'm definitely NOT math smart, but it doesn't mean I'm lacking in intelligence. I really liked this part of lecture because I'm in the business school, and business professors like to tell the students that the Professional Program in Accounting is the best thing for ALL business students. Then the Accounting majors tell the Marketing majors that they're jealous because we don't have to work as hard. BUT, it's a different type of smart. And that's a GOOD thing!!

"Creative people feed off the energy of others; they excel when challenged and forced to confront and incorporate other perspectives and approaches."