Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Original 4/1/10 - Singularity

Today we took the earth's timeline and smushed it into only 365 days. I was SHOCKED at how small my life is compared to all of time! If all of time was a year, my life would only be 2/3 of a second. What?! And yet in 20 years of life, I have countless stories. It's so fascinating how it was designed to be so grand and complex, even in the smallest of things such as a life. We truly have a cool creator.

I'm amazed at how much has changed over the past few years! I remember when we had dial up internet in my house, and I could go make a sandwich while the computer page loaded. I have an 11-year-old sister, and when I told her to make the "dial up noise", she had no idea what I was talking about. She's grown up in a world where Google is the library and Wikipedia is her source of information. The amount of information she knows astounds me because she is curious and googles things like "Marie Antoinette" and "How a vacuum cleaner works." My 8-year-old brother learned to type a year after he could write.

In class we talked about all the crazy inventions that will come out in the next ten years, and I am SO excited for them. It scares me though... what will we be dealing with in 50 years? What about 100 years? If I came back to earth in 100 years, I don't know that it would even be recognizable. This just fascinates me.

What I hope most is that I can keep up. It drives me CRAZY that my grandmother doesn't have an email account because I have to write her letters or call her when I want to tell her something. While that seems silly, half the time she doesn't pick up her cell phone because she doesn't realize it's ringing. If I want to send her an article, I have to print it off and mail it to her. If 50 years ago, snail mail was the only option, what will happen in the next 50 years? Will we have computers in our brains and phones in our mouths? That stuff sounds cool, but I don't know if I really want a phone in my mouth.

I am just so curious to see what happens!