Monday, February 15, 2010


I am so bad at this blog thing. HI MOM! Hope all is well.

All I want to do right now is cut out cool shapes of paper and make them into a HUGE collage of prettiness. MMMMmm. Just like that sunset collage picture I love. I'll post it on here eventually. Anyway, I just wanted to test out the bloggety blog. Adios!


Welcome to my bloggety blog. I don't really know what people use these for, but there is a first time for everything! (I only read blogs about cute jewelry, clothes, or decorations) I guess I made this blog partly for a creativity class, and partly for my study abroad trip. I don't know anyone that is dying to read this other than my precious mom, so most of these posts will probably be written like letters to her.

I'm really proud of my website I made recently on Wix. All of these posts go through an RSS feed and are posted on that website as well. We will see how well that works! I also studied for a test, vacuumed and mopped the floors, watched pairs ice skating on the olympics, went to an interview informational, and watched the bachelor. Today was productive.

In class the other day we talked about the how way people and things are arranged around us creates different reactions. For example, if you try to make eye contact long enough with a stranger, it will really freak them out. Interesting! I wonder why God made us this way... we are such funny creatures.

Well, I'm tired and it's way past my bedtime. I hope that this thing is registered in the wrong time zone so I don't get in trouble when my mom sees what time I was up until. Until next time!